Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1I am a graphic designer. Why should I use PaintCode?

2I am a developer. Why should I use PaintCode?

3Is there a trial version that I can evaluate before buying?

4What is the EDU license?

5What is the pricing model of PaintCode Plugin for Sketch?

6Do you offer Volume License with discount?

7Do you offer Corporate / Site license?

8Is it possible to purchase PaintCode via Mac App Store?

9Where can I find all shortcuts for PaintCode?

10How does PaintCode import and export SVG files?

11How does PaintCode import and export PDF files?

12How does PaintCode import and export AI files?

13How does PaintCode import and export EPS files?

14How does PaintCode import and export PSD files?

15How does PaintCode import and export GIF, PNG and other raster images?

16How does PaintCode export animated GIF and PNG sequences?

17How does PaintCode import drawings from Sketch?

18Is PaintCode an animating tool?

19Where can I find example projects or tutorials?

20Does PaintCode support Swift and how can I use the generated code with Swift?

21Is the generated code compatible with IBDesignable or IBInspectable designation?

22Does PaintCode generate images or drawing code for UI control states (like button normal, pressed, and hover states)?

23Does PaintCode generate ready-made, interactive UI controls?

24How can I use PaintCode to apply a different “style” to a button or other control while using the same event handling code?

25Does PaintCode generate code for databinding to a data model?

26Is it possible to share colors, gradients, shadows, images and variables between PaintCode documents?

27Can I bring my color palettes from other apps to PaintCode?

28What is an Expression in PaintCode and where can I find Expression syntax/functions reference?

29Does PaintCode generate code of UIView/UIControl, NSView/NSControl or CALayer subclasses?

30How can I use drawing method from StyleKit with my subclass of NSView/UIView?

31How can I use cached image from StyleKit to customize my UIButton/UIImageView or object that responds to setImage: or setSelectedImage: messages?

32How can I use cached image from StyleKit to customize UIButton/NSButton with states?

33How can I customize UIButton/NSButton?

34How can I use the drawing code generated by PaintCode with a CALayer?

35How can I animate drawings made in PaintCode?

36How can I use PaintCode with Origami or Quartz Composer?

37Does PaintCode support blend modes?

38When I used the code generated by PaintCode in my app, I get this error: ...invalid context 0x0. This is a serious error...

39How can I change canvas size programmatically?

40Why do I have to name my colors, gradients, shadows and images in the Library?

41How can I control the size of my drawing using a Variable?

42My button has three states. How can I use Variables for this?

43Why does the image generated by StyleKit have a constant size (image size equal to canvas size)? How can I change this?

44How do I change the color of my icon or other drawing in my running app?

45Can I edit the generated code and see changes in the drawing canvas?

46Can I import a drawing code to PaintCode to get my drawing back into PaintCode document?

47How can I move or rearrange canvases?

48Why does the color of the drawing in my canvas change slightly when I switch between iOS to macOS targets?

49I would like to modify element like UIAlertView, UIButton or UITextField, but I can't find information about how to do it using PaintCode. Any advice?

50How to contact your technical support and what I can ask?

51Do you have an example project?