Does PaintCode generate code of UIView/UIControl, NSView/NSControl or CALayer subclasses?

Does PaintCode generate code of UIView/UIControl, NSView/NSControl or CALayer subclasses?

PaintCode doesn't generate UIView or NSView subclasses.

PaintCode generates a special StyleKit class which is essentially a collection of all your drawings. Each of your canvases is turned into a single drawing method. Calling this method will cause the system to draw your canvas when the application is running.

You should call these methods from appropriate places (usually the drawRect: method) from your custom UIView/NSView or CALayer subclasses.

For cases when you need to use images (e.g. UIImage/NSImage object used to customize UIButton/NSButton), PaintCode generates methods that return cached UIImage/NSImage object.

Please, check out the example project to see how to use the StyleKit.