
Selecting individual shapes

To select a single shape, simply click on it in the Canvas. Alternatively, you can select a shape by clicking on its name in the Shapes & Groups Browser.

Selecting a shape behind the current selection

To select a shape that is behind the current selection, hold down the COMMAND key and click.

Selecting multiple shapes

You can select multiple shapes by:

Modifying the selection

It is possible to modify your current selection by holding down the SHIFT key and:

Deleting the selection

To delete the selection, press the DELETE or BACKSPACE key.

Rearranging the shapes

Send to Back / Bring to Front toolbar icons

You can bring the selection directly to the front or send it all the way to the back using the main application toolbar.

Alternatively, you can also use the application menu for a more fine-grained control over shape order:

Getting code for selection only

PaintCode displays the generated code for all shapes in the Canvas. However, it is also possible to obtain only the code for your current selection of shapes. Simply select the shapes that interest you in the Canvas and copy them to the clipboard (COMMAND + C). When you try to paste the shapes to your code editor, their drawing code will be pasted instead.